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Apartmaji Nena se nahajajo v občini Kanal ob Soči  5.386 prebivalci In živimo v zaselku Močila – Kambreško , kjer nas živi
samo 10 oseb . Gosti pa imajo veliko možnosti za rekreacijo v naravi in raziskovanje…
Gostom zagotovimo brezplačno potrebno zaščitno opremo razkužilo, varnostne rokavice in maske
za enkratno uporabo. Prostori apartmaja so dezinficirani.

Dejavnosti turizma in gostinstva se udeležujemo le, če smo zdravi, brez znakov in simptomov
akutne okužbe dihal (kot so na primer nahod, slabo počutje, bolečine v mišicah, povišana telesna
temperatura, kašelj).
Redno in temeljito si umivamo roke z milom in vodo.
V primeru, da voda in milo nista dostopna, si roke razkužimo z namenskim razkužilom za roke
(razkužilo, ki vsebuje 60 – 80 % alkohola).
Ne dotikamo se obraza (oči, nosu in ust) z nečistimi/neumitimi rokami.
Upoštevamo zadostno medosebno razdaljo, ki je najmanj 1,5 oz. 2 metra.
Upoštevamo pravilno higieno kašlja (preden zakašljamo/kihnemo, si pokrijemo usta in nos s
papirnatim robčkom ali zakašljamo/kihnemo v zgornji del rokava). Papirnat robček po vsaki
uporabi odvržemo med odpadke in si nato umijemo roke z milom ter vodo.
V času povečanega pojavljanja okužb dihal in epidemije COVID-19 se izogibamo velikemu številu
ljudi v zaprtih prostorih.
Zaprte prostore večkrat dnevno temeljito prezračimo.
Najpomembnejša pot prenosa novega koronavirusa je preko izločkov iz dihal in preko
onesnaženih rok.
Roke vedno smatramo kot onesnažene, izjema je le neposredno po njihovem umivanju ali
Z onesnaženimi rokami prenašamo povzročitelja okužbe nase in na druge osebe ter predmete,
ki se jih dotikamo (npr. kljuke, ročaji, držaji, delovni pripomočki, denar…).
Z upoštevanjem vseh navedenih priporočil bomo zmanjšali možnost za okužbo in s tem ščitili
sebe in druge. Za pravilno izvajanje samozaščitnih ukrepov mora vsak prevzeti odgovornost.
Popolne varnosti ni.

Obrati z nastanitvenimi enotami (hoteli, apartmaji, sobe, stanovanja, turistične
kmetije z nastanitvijo, planinske koče,…)
Splošna priporočila za izvajalce storitev
Dela samo zdravo osebje, brez simptomov ali znakov akutne okužbe dihal (povišana telesna
temperatura, kašelj, izcedek iz nosu, kihanje, bolečine v žrelu, težko dihanje, bolečine v prsih,…).
Izvajalci storitev naj sledijo priporočilom in izvajajo ukrepe, ki so smiselni za vrsto in obseg
dejavnosti, katere nosilci so.
Osebje naj bo redno seznanjeno z načinom izvajanja zaščitnih ukrepov.
Osebje naj ves čas zagotavlja zadostno medosebno razdaljo.
Skladno z navodili specialistov medicine dela naj uporabljajo predpisano zaščitno opremo Zaščitna (delovna) oblačila naj bodo iz materiala, ki se lahko
pere na najmanj 60 °C, v kolikor to ni možno, naj se med pranjem doda sredstvo za dezinfekcijo
perila (npr. belilno sredstvo na osnovi natrijevega hipoklorita ali drugo sredstvo za tekstil s
podobnim učinkom).
Za stalno seznanjanje z ukrepi tako osebja kot gostov svetujemo, da so kratka navodila za
preventivno zaščitno ravnanje nameščena na vidnih mestih, vedno pa ob ali po vstopu v
Izvajalec storitve naj zagotavlja namestitev podajalnikov za razkužilo.
Izvajalci storitev naj preprečijo dostop do otroških igral.
Stik med osebjem in gosti naj bo čim manjši z npr. uvedbo rezervacij ter brezstičnega plačevanja.
Splošna priporočila za goste
Dosledno naj upoštevajo navodila osebja glede hišnega reda v času epidemije COVID-19.
Omejujejo naj številčna druženja, dosledno naj upoštevajo načela zadostne medosebne razdalje.
V zaprtih prostorih je ob upoštevanju ohranjanja zadostne medosebne razdalje v času epidemije
obvezna tudi uporaba obrazne maske ali druge oblike zaščite ustnega in nosnega predela (šal,
ruta ali podobne oblike zaščite), ki prekrijejo nos in usta.
Dosledno skrbijo za higieno rok, z umivanjem z milom in vodo ali razkuževanjem, po dotikanju
katerihkoli nečistih površin ali predmetov.

V primeru, da zaposleni zboli z akutno okužbo dihal, ostane doma in pokliče izbranega zdravnika.
O bolezni obvesti nadrejenega. Če je COVID-19 pozitiven, o tem obvesti delodajalca. O pojavu
COVID-19 med zaposlenimi lastnik lokala obvesti območno enoto NIJZ.
Epidemiološka služba, ki prejme prijavo o potrjenem primeru, ( lastnik lokala, laboratorijska
prijava) začne epidemiološko preiskavo, identificira tesne kontakte na delovnem mestu in za njih
predlaga ukrepe.
Če je bil eden od zaposlenih v lokalu v stiku z osebo, ki je kazala znake akutne okužbe dihal, naj
nadaljnjih 14 dni opazuje svoje zdravstveno stanje. V primeru pojava akutne okužbe dihal,
ostane doma in pokliče izbranega zdravnika ter obvesti nadrejenega.
V primeru, da zboli gost z vročino ali znaki akutne okužbe dihal naj izvajalec storitve pokliče
najbližji ZD. Gost naj počaka v izolaciji. Nosi naj masko. Uporablja naj samo določene sanitarije in
umivalnik. Epidemiološka služba, ki prejme prijavo o potrjenem primeru vodi epidemiološko
preiskavo, identificira tesne kontakte in za njih predlaga ukrepe.
Prostore, kjer se je gibal oboleli gost s COVID-19, se temeljito očisti in izvede dezinfekcijo.
Prostore se tudi temeljito prezrači.



Apartments Nena are located in the municipality Kanal ob Soči – size 146.5 km – 5,386 inhabitants and live in the village Močila – Kambreško,where only 10 people live. Guests have many opportunities for outdoor recreation and exploration…
We provide guests with the necessary protective equipment, disinfectant, safety gloves and
disposable masks free of charge. The premises of the apartment are disinfected.

We participate in tourism and catering activities only if we are healthy, without signs and symptoms
of acute respiratory infection (such as colds, malaise, muscle aches, fever, cough).
We wash our hands regularly and thoroughly with soap and water.
If water and soap are not available, disinfect your hands with a dedicated hand sanitizer (disinfectant
containing 60-80% alcohol).
Do not touch the face (eyes, nose and mouth) with dirty / unwashed hands.
We consider a sufficient interpersonal distance of at least 1.5 oz. 2 meters.
Observe proper cough hygiene (before coughing / sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a
paper towel or cough / sneeze into the upper part of the sleeve). Dispose of the paper towel after
each use and then wash your hands with soap and water.
In times of increased respiratory infections and the COVID-19 epidemic, we avoid large numbers of
people indoors.
Indoor rooms should be thoroughly ventilated several times a day.
The most important route of transmission of the new coronavirus is through respiratory secretions
and through contaminated hands.
Hands are always considered contaminated, with the exception of immediately after washing or
With contaminated hands, we transmit the pathogen to ourselves and to other persons and objects
that we touch (eg hooks, handles, handles, work accessories, money…).
By following all the above recommendations, we will reduce the chance of infection and thus protect
ourselves and others. Everyone must take responsibility for the proper implementation of self-
protection measures.
There is no complete security.

Establishments with accommodation units (hotels, apartments, rooms, flats, tourist farms
with accommodation, mountain huts,…)
General recommendations for service providers
Only healthy staff work, without symptoms or signs of acute respiratory infection (fever, cough,
runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, shortness of breath, chest pain,…).
Service providers should follow the recommendations and implement measures that make sense for
the type and scope of activities they are responsible for.
Staff should be kept informed of how safeguards are in place.
Staff should ensure sufficient interpersonal distance at all times.
In accordance with the instructions of occupational medicine specialists, they should use the
prescribed protective equipment Protective (work) clothing should
be made of a material that can be washed at least 60 ° C, if this is not possible, a disinfectant should
be added during washing (eg bleaching agent based on sodium hypochlorite or other textile agent
with similar effect).
For constant acquaintance with the measures of both staff and guests, we advise that short
instructions for preventive protective behavior are placed in visible places, and always at or after
entering the facilities / parks.
The service provider should ensure that disinfectant feeders are installed.
Service providers should prevent access to children's toys.
Contact between staff and guests should be kept to a minimum with e.g. introduction of
reservations and contactless payments.
General recommendations for guests
Strictly follow the staff instructions regarding house rules during the COVID-19 epidemic.
They should limit numerous gatherings, consistently follow the principles of sufficient interpersonal
Indoors, taking into account the maintenance of sufficient interpersonal distance during an
epidemic, the use of a face mask or other form of protection of the oral and nasal area (scarf, scarf or
similar form of protection) covering the nose and mouth is also mandatory.
They consistently take care of hand hygiene, by washing with soap and water or disinfecting, after
touching any dirty surfaces or objects.

In case the employee falls ill with an acute respiratory infection, he stays at home and calls the
chosen doctor. He informs his superior about the disease. If COVID-19 is positive, it informs the
employer. The owner of the premises informs the regional unit of the NIJZ about the occurrence of
COVID-19 among employees.
The epidemiological service that receives the report of a confirmed case (owner of the premises,
laboratory report) initiates an epidemiological investigation, identifies close contacts at the
workplace and proposes measures for them.
If one of the employees in the bar was in contact with a person who showed signs of an acute
respiratory infection, he should observe his health condition for a further 14 days. In case of an acute
respiratory infection, he stays at home and calls the chosen doctor and informs his superior.
In the event that a guest falls ill with fever or signs of an acute respiratory infection, the service
provider should call the nearest ZD. The guest should wait in isolation. Let him wear a mask. Use only
certain toilets and sink. The epidemiological service that receives the report of a confirmed case
conducts an epidemiological investigation, identifies close contacts and proposes measures for them.
The premises where the sick guest with COVID-19 was moving are thoroughly cleaned and
disinfected. The premises are also thoroughly ventilated.